Ibrahim Dunga
2004-10-15 14:25:13 UTC
Dear Friend,

I know you will be surprised to read from me, but please consider this
letter as a request from a family in dire need for your assistance.
Firstly, I must introduce myself, I am PRINCE IBRAHIM DUNGA from
and I am the first and the only son of MR DANIEL DUNGA. I am presently
residing in SOUTH AFRICA.

I got your contact from the SOUTH AFRICA INFORMATION EXCHANGE (S.A.I.E)
in Johannesburg and on behalf of my mother who is a widow MRS ANGELA
DUNGA. I decided to solicit for your assistance to transfer the sum of
US$ 18.5M (Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States
in your personal or company account. Before my father�s death, he was
among the few black Zimbabweans rich farmers, and, he was poisoned by
the agents of the ruling government of president ROBERT MUGABE for his
alleged support and sympathy for Zimbabwean opposition party controlled
by white minority. Before his death, he had taken me to Johannesburg to
deposit his money to a Security and Finance Company. This money was
deposited as a gemstone to avoid much demurrage from the Security
This money was earmarked for purchase of new machinery and chemicals
for the farms and to establish new farms in Lesotho and Swaziland.

In this will, he specifically drew my attention to this sum of US$18.5M
(Eighteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) that he
deposited in safe box of a private Security and Finance Company here in
Johannesburg, South Africa.


�My beloved son, I wish to draw your attention to this money which I
deposited in your name in a box with a Security and Finance Company in
Johannesburg, South Africa. In case of my absence on earth caused by
death, you should solicit for a reliable foreign partner to transfer
money out of South Africa for investment purposes.
From the above, you will understand that life and future of my family
depends on this money, as much I will be very grateful if you can
us. We are now living in South Africa as asylum seekers and financial
laws of South Africa does not allow asylum seekers certain right to
huge amount of money. In view of this, I can not invest this money in
South Africa hence am asking you to assist me to transfer this money
of South Africa for investment purposes. For your effort, I am prepared
to offer you 25% of the total fund. While 5% will be set my family and
I will keep aside for local and international expenses and 70%. Finally
modalities on how the transfer will be done will be conveyed to once we
establish trust and confidence between ourselves.

Looking forward to your reply including your full name, and your full
direct phone & fax numbers, and please treat as very urgent.

Best Regards,

